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    Lowest prices guaranteed on Bus Tickets

Buy bus tickets in 3 easy steps


Choose your origin, destination, journey dates and search for buses


Select your desired trip and choose your seats


Pay by bank cards or mobile banking
Safe and Secure online payments

Please Note:

For your travel during Eid, you can only buy tickets of Shohagh Paribahan and Soudia Air Con from We are unable to sell tickets for other bus operators due to the Owners' decision. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

About Saintmartin Travels

ভ্রমন অথবা অফিসিয়াল - প্রয়োজন যাই হোক, সেভাবেই পরিবহন সুবিধা প্রাপ্তির নিশ্চয়তা।